Monday, October 22, 2012

Ok, I was a little over ambitious

A pin a day?  Really?  What was I thinking…I means really, what kind of time did I think I had to do this.  Single mom, works full time, kids with soccer practice twice a week, games twice a week, dance class once a week, and I still have to do laundry, dishes, dinners, manage jewelry classes at home, 3 blogs, ummmm, and were was I supposed to fit this in?  Ok, I was a little over ambitious, I'll admit it.  But I have made some pretty cool stuff and some tasty dishes from Pinterest, so I WILL post them, but not every day.  So stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 7...First day of school

 Ok, I'll admit, I've been waiting for this day!!  It's the first day of school and I've known for weeks exactly what 'pin' I was going to do on this very day.  A new year into their school career...and a photo op for this mamarazzi.  I'm not ashamed to admit it.  I scheme and plan for the best photo ops... afterall I've been scrapbooking for years.  And honestly when I saw this 'pin' I kicked myself for never thinking of this on my own.  Another reason I like love Pinterest

Time to start planning their last day of school photos! :)


I had a pin in mind that I had actually started over the weekend.  Thought I'd finish it today, but it turned out to be a fail.  Really cute 'pin' too.  I was off to a pretty good start, it was supposed to be a magnetic message board.  So this one is TBC! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 5...Apples in a Bag

Today's post is a new one for me.  I was looking around my boards not really sure what to do today.  Cook, craft, organize....hmmmm.  Let's make some apples in a bag! :)  should be good in a bowl of vanilla ice cream.   Looks easy enough and I have everything in the house, so let's do this...

The 'pin' took me to a link with all the details; small apples, pealed, sugar, cinnamon, cornstarch, water. raisins are optional... i put pecans instead. 2 min in the micro, so fast and so good!  enjoy!

Day 4...Kids' Scarf

This is a really cut idea for kids.  Every winter I have a hard time finding scarf that are small enough for kids, and when I do it's at a specialty store and I have to pay an arm and a leg!  So this 'pin' has a really good tutorial on how to make kids scarfs out of...wait for it....knee high socks!!  Yup, that's right!  And I can usually get a really good deal (less than two dollars a pair) once they go on clearance.  I made a couple for the boys when I first saw the pin...

here's a pic of one of my little ham' wearing one...

but on my recent trip to Target I found a ton on clearance, so today I made a girl's scarf

I actually started this on day 4, but had to leave so I'm finish up my day 4 post now.... just after 1am (day 5)  so the long and the short of it, cut off the foot of the socks.  make one of the socks inside out and then slide on sock over the other, making sure the
two right sides match. 

 Sew the cut ends together then pull the top sock apart from the inside sock so now out have one long piece. 

You can use a piece of velcro that will hold the sock around the kiddo's neck.  You can use some cute embellishments to add some flair.  done :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 3...Tile Coaters

Today I'm posting something that I did in the past...not exactly cheating because I did the pin before the challenge.  I'm ahead of the game here, cut me some slack :)

I saw this 'Pin' and loved the idea.  The design on the pin is a cute pattern from a blog called Shanty 2 Chic, but these coasters I was doing where for my niece as a birthday gift.  I used some pics she took when she visited Italy so the coasters are to remind her of her time there.  I'm using the same method for these coasters as the pinner.

Cute huh!  It is so simple to do too.  Just get some marble tiles, I used 4x4, print the image that you want on regular paper (if you are using words make sure you print a mirror image), cut to size.    cover one side of the marble with Mod Podge then cover the image with Mod Podge.  Put the image side down on the tile and smooth out the print, I used a credit card to go over it to get any air bubbles out.  Bake in the over at 170 for 20 min.  Once it's done, run water (paper side up) on the tile and rub the paper.  The paper will start to rub off, but the image will stay!  So cool huh!  Now go try your own!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 2...Ribbon pearl bracelet.

So it's the second day and I had to pick something that would be really quick for me to do.  I got an order for some chocolate dipped strawberries today and I gotta get to making those, so I'm going with an easy one.. a bracelet.  I saw a couple of pins for this but this pin looked the best, but the pin link itself didn't work! etiquette people!!  I did finally find a good link, with directions for a necklace, but I'm sticking with the bracelet today.  Here's my version.  

This took a little longer than I thought it would, still need to work on getting pearl(like) beads spaced just right.  But I like my color combo better than the 'pin'.  I'll also need to apply some No Fray next time before I get started to keep the ends of the ribbon from fraying.  And I need to make the ribbon longer.  

I didn't cut the ribbon long enough either, but a little practice and it'll be a nice piece.  Hmmmm, maybe I'll connect to a chain and make a necklace afterall...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 1...Garlic Roasted Zucchini

I saw this pin last week and man it looked good!  The original link is from The Gingered Whisk which has some other kick ass recipes I’ll have to try.  

 This one was pretty basic: zucchini, garlic (sliced), salt, pepper, olive oil and rosemary.  The recipe calls for 2 zucchini, but I used 4 since they were less than med size and I love zucchini.  

Once I had the zucchini all cut up I put everything in a large ziplock baggie and gave it a toss to coat.  


 I laid it all out on a cookie sheet.  The recipe says to bake at 375 for 20-25 min, I did 25, but it wasn’t as toasted as I would like so I put in the broiler for a bit…nothing worse than soggy   


 I think next time I’ll cook less time and put in the broiler soon. 

But nonetheless it was so tasty!  And just like that, dinner was served...pasta and garlic roasted zucchini topped off with some Parmesan cheese :)